Kevin Ni graduated first in his class of 505 at Plymouth High School, and he has enrolled in the College of Engineering's Computer Science Department. Kyle was an active member of his community, volunteering at Gleaners Community Food Bank, Trinity Lutheran youth group member and a team leader for Crop Walk to End Hunger. Kyle was the recipient of multiple academic and athletic awards throughout his high school career, which include 2017 National German Gold and Silver medals, National Honor Society Omega Chapter, All-A Honors Summa Cum Laude Certificate, 2020 National Merit Program Commended Student, Troy School District Scholar Athlete Award and 2019 US Lacrosse Academic All-American. He was captain of the football team his senior year, captain of the lacrosse team his freshman, sophomore and senior year. On top of his academic schedule, he was a member of the basketball team, varsity football, varsity power lifter and lacrosse team. Kyle had a rigorous academic course curriculum, including a total number of twelve AP classes. Kyle plans to enroll in the College of Kinesiology and is the recipient of David J. He also is a National Merit Finalist and earned an academic gold medal for his school. He has qualified for the Business Professionals of America National Leadership Conference multiple times and placed 8th nationally in Computer Animation. Finally, Adhav has achieved several awards during his time in high school. When not practicing gymnastics, Adhav develops mobile software for the non-profit startup QuantumGrad, which attempts to make the field of quantum computing more accessible.

Adhav has also spent his last 8 years practicing men’s gymnastics at the competitive level, placing at the state and regional level on top of qualifying for nationals.

In addition to founding the Math Olympiad Club, Adhav participated in many school extracurriculars such as: Business Professionals of America, Quiz Bowl, Student Council, National Honor Society, and Earth Club. Throughout his high school career, Adhav has had a very rigorous course load, taking 10 AP Classes and graduating second in his class. Adhav plans to enroll in the College of Engineering and is the recipient of the David J.